You are here: FACE TREATMENTS Endosphere Therapy

Endosphere Therapy

Endosphere Therapy

                                                          Endosphere Therapy

Endosphere therapy creates a combination of vibrations and pressure on the body, which we call "vascular gymnastics". This "training" drains fluids, reduces cellulite, improves local blood circulation, reduces pain and improves muscle tone.

Ineffective blood and lymph circulation can lead to discomfort. Endospheres reactivate local blood circulation and activate the lymphatic system.
The compression microvibration method gently affects the tissue, firming it, improving skin tone and giving extraordinary results and a younger facial appearance.
The treatment makes facial muscles more flexible, relaxes contracted muscles (mimic wrinkles), prevents tissue sagging and reduces the visibility of wrinkles.

Stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to revitalize tired, dull or sagging skin and awaken your natural beauty.

The treatment can be performed on the following areas:
-Cheek bone
Endospheres help reduce wrinkles caused by lifestyle and environmental factors such as sun and stress. The treatment guarantees extraordinary results after just a few sessions and leads to rejuvenated, fresher and firmer skin.
There are many factors that cause the skin to turn "gray", reducing its natural tone, tone and radiance. Endospheres stimulate tissue oxygenation, which nourishes the skin from the inside and restores its healthy glow.
Endospheres relax and tone facial muscles, improving the appearance and complexion of the skin. The treatment works deep beneath the skin to stimulate the muscles, which means a firmer, lifted and smoother face and complexion.

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Tel: 0785 8479423

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Biuro: beautysalonbasingstoke@gmail.com


51 Melrose Walk
RG24 9HQ


Princess Beauty Salon

I cordially invite you to my Princess Beauty Salon in Basingstoke where each activity is done with the greatest passion and devotion to details. As a professional beauty therapist I specialise in the following: CRYOPEN treatment, CooLifting therapy, I-Lipo treatment, Cryolipolisis treatment, but also mesotherapy, skincare facials and many others.