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HIFU 3D Face Treatment

HIFU 3D Face Treatment

                                                                        HIFU 3D Face Treatment

HIFU lifts and tones the face, neck and eyes resulting in a dramatic yet natural uplift, without surgery.

Though other non-invasive treatments have had promising results, the ability to target multiple layers beneath the skin are what sets HIFU apart. Unlike surgery, high-intensity focused ultrasound is safe, affordable and doesn’t require you to have downtime following the treatment.

-Remove fine wrinkles around forehead, eyes, mouth, neck, etc

-Lifting and tightening skin

-Improving skin complexion and elasticity, shaping contour

By using high-energy ultrasound focusing the treatment position, to make skin tissue generates the thermal, and make high-speed friction cells to stimulate collagen. Such heat effect will not hurt the epidermis, because the treatment fast and direct access to the treatment site just within 0-0.5 second, without touching the surrounding tissue and can be passed directly to the superficial tendon membrane system (SMAS), so it can be done firm skin while pulling the muscle layer, thin face up to the progressive effect.

HIFU may not be appropriate for everyone. In general, the procedure works best on people older than 30 with mild-to-moderate skin laxity.People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results.

You may experience slight discomfort during an HIFU procedure. Some people describe it as tiny electric pulses or a light prickly sensation.Immediately after the treatment, you may experience mild redness or swelling, which will gradually recede over the next few hours.

The best part about this treatment is that you’re able to resume your normal activities immediately after you leave the provider’s office. Some slight redness or swelling may occur, but it should subside quickly. A light tingling sensation of the treated area may persist for a few weeks.Rarely, you may experience temporary numbness or bruising, but these side effects usually go away after a few days.

HIFU is considered a safe, effective, and noninvasive procedure for tightening the facial skin.Its advantages over a surgical face lift are hard to deny. There are no incisions, no scarring, and no required rest or recovery time. HIFU is also far less expensive than a face lift.

The results are visible immediately after the procedure but full resuts you can see three months after treatment.If you’re looking for a treatment that is quick, painless, and noninvasive, HIFU is an excellent option compared to a surgical face lift.The procedure is best suited for patients with mild-to-moderate skin laxity, and you may need to have the procedure repeated in one to two years as the natural aging process takes over.

Left side of face after treatment
right side of the face after the treatment
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RG24 9HQ


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