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                                  DIODE LASER 808-810NM HAIR REMOVAR

Diode lasers are the most popular and effective lasers for permanent hair removal. They emit a beam of light with a length of 808, 810 nm, which is well and selectively absorbed by melanin. Light energy is converted into heat energy, thanks to which the hair root is permanently damaged. The device removes unwanted hair permanently in an almost non-invasive way, without damaging the skin surface. The procedure itself is painless, thanks to the extremely effective cooling system-Sapphire Chill Tip built into the treatment heads The photodepilation method using a diode laser with a wavelength of 808-810nm involves damage to the hair matrix due to energy absorption (up to 2mm in depth) by melanine, the dye in its structure. The energy produced by the laser is absolutely safe for humans and has no It should be remembered that not all hair grows simultaneously. Only some of them are in the anagen-growth phase and only they react to the laser light. The remaining hair is in the "sleep" phase (catagen, telogen ), which has different durations - from 3 to 8 weeks - after which a new active stage of growth begins For this reason, the treatments must be repeated at least six times to remove almost all hair.

Immediately before the procedure, the skin should be shaved and washed.

                                             CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR THE TREATMENT

Pregnancy, breast-feeding, cancer, use of cream with Retinol (should be discontinued 3 weeks before the procedure), taking photosensitizing drugs: retinoids, antibiotics, taking photosensitizing herbs-calendula, St. John's wort (please stop 2-3 weeks before the procedure), , including slimming, depilation with wax and tweezers (stop using a month before the procedure), tendency to hyperpigmentation, albinism, psoriasis, peeling (last week before the surgery at the latest).

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Tel: 0785 8479423

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Biuro: beautysalonbasingstoke@gmail.com


51 Melrose Walk
RG24 9HQ


Princess Beauty Salon

I cordially invite you to my Princess Beauty Salon in Basingstoke where each activity is done with the greatest passion and devotion to details. As a professional beauty therapist I specialise in the following: CRYOPEN treatment, CooLifting therapy, I-Lipo treatment, Cryolipolisis treatment, but also mesotherapy, skincare facials and many others.