BioRePeelCl3-MEDICAL PEELING

BioRePeelCl3 is an innovative, two-phase, patented medical device with biostimulating, revitalizing and peeling effect. It is intended for topical application - without injection, without the use of needles, for the whole body, for people of all ages and with all skin types. For full treatment recommended There is a series of 5 treatments at intervals of two weeks.To maintain the effect, a "booster" procedure is recommended every two months. Thanks to advanced technology, it is a year-round preparation and can also be used safely in the summer as well.

Indications for surgery: flaccid skin, lacking tension and elasticity, dry skin with excessive epidermal keratosis, wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation, pilar keratosis, and many other imperfections.

BioRePeelCl3, thanks to its exfoliating and keratolytic effect, accelerates cell regeneration. Selected active ingredients contribute to deep stimulation of skin regeneration processes. They also affect the biosynthesis mechanisms necessary to combat the effects of skin aging and other oxidative damage caused by UV radiation resulting from other radiation-induced factors. BioRePeelCl3 hydroxyacetic acid (TCA) and hydroxyacid treatments are not only the classic, indirect biostimulatory activity induced by the activity of the acid complex. It is also a very effective direct biostimulatory activity due to the amino acids and vitamin supplements contained in the preparation GABA).

The synergy between direct and indirect biostimulative effects causes superficial and deep rejuvenation of the skin, moisturizes it and brightens it, reduces wrinkles by stimulating the skin to create new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, as well as it has strong antioxidant activity. Double-phase technology, appearance from the first application and does not exclude the patient from daily activities.

Contraindications for the procedure: dermatitis - both seborrheic, as well as bacterial or atopic, active herpes, autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, retinoid therapy in the last six months, skin disruption.
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Tel: 0785 8479423

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Biuro: beautysalonbasingstoke@gmail.com


51 Melrose Walk
RG24 9HQ


Princess Beauty Salon

I cordially invite you to my Princess Beauty Salon in Basingstoke where each activity is done with the greatest passion and devotion to details. As a professional beauty therapist I specialise in the following: CRYOPEN treatment, CooLifting therapy, I-Lipo treatment, Cryolipolisis treatment, but also mesotherapy, skincare facials and many others.