MICRONEEDLE MESOTHERAPY- DERMAROLLER

The treatment is performed by a high-grade dermaroller (titanium needles). It is completely safe and sterile. It is available on the site of the micronucleus network. During microcirculation treatment, the skin is injected into the skin. Reduce scarring.Recommended in the series from 3 to 6 treatments, every six weeks.The composition of the treatment includes an anesthetic cream, 2 ampoules of anti-cellulite preparation (or 2 ampoules reduce the stretch) and collagen gel used after mesotherapy mesotherapy.

Microsurgical mesotherapy is a treatment that primarily affects the regeneration of the skin, stimulating the natural regenerative properties of the skin. This process is the result of beneficial, damage, the skin resulting from the treatment technique and the properties of the substance administered. The trick is to lubricate the skin layer with small needles. As a result, there is a network of microcannins in the skin through which vitamins and active substances penetrate into it. The procedure is practically painless. On the client's request is an anesthetic cream, although the procedure does not require anesthesia. Microdissection therapy is highly effective. Naturally, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. The procedure is completely natural, does not cause skin damage, can be performed on thin skin, gives excellent results can be compared to the laser, can be used in places not available to the laser. Specific side effects are very rare.It can be hematoma, rheumatoid arthritis and light injecting and, allergic reaction to the given active substances. It is however a procedure that for most clients is light and pleasant.

Immediately following the procedure, do not: use rough towels, do not apply masks, apply only moisturizing creams on the face, apply sunscreen for a few days, do not drink alcohol, do not use the sauna, sunbeds and swimming pool, protect your face from the sun, do not tan the area has been run for a period of 3-4 weeks, do not make full makeup for at least 2 or 3 days.

The results of micro mesotherapy: face and silhouette reduction, cellulite reduction and any irregularities (swelling of the skin), help to rebuild correct skin tension, look deep wrinkles and discoloration completely, raise the skin around the eyelids, the mouth and cheekbones, which gives a decent younger appearance , reduces skin pigmentation and enlarged vasculature, helps to treat jaundice, reduces hair loss, reduces body fat after weight loss and after pregnancy.

Contraindications: allergies to any of the ingredients of active cocktails, pregnancy, period of breast-feeding, diabetes, inflammation of the skin, herpes, poorly tolerated injections (vascular skin, risk of occlusion), cancer, use of anticoagulants.

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Tel: 0785 8479423

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Biuro: beautysalonbasingstoke@gmail.com


51 Melrose Walk
RG24 9HQ


Princess Beauty Salon

I cordially invite you to my Princess Beauty Salon in Basingstoke where each activity is done with the greatest passion and devotion to details. As a professional beauty therapist I specialise in the following: CRYOPEN treatment, CooLifting therapy, I-Lipo treatment, Cryolipolisis treatment, but also mesotherapy, skincare facials and many others.